Take Action | Write your new script for mental health | PPR

Write Your Own New Script for Mental Health Services

We believe it’s time to have an open discussion about mental health and we'd love for you to join the conversation. Use the tool below to write your own New Script for mental health. Mental Health Rights | Wed Feb 01 2023

Like the REM song says, Everybody hurts sometimes.

We know that life can throw bad stuff at us all.

This can cause emotional pain and trauma.

Right now, people are under more stress than ever.

The pandemic, poverty, housing, the climate crisis.

Inequality and the pressures of everyday living.

We need the right support at the right time.

We all have a right to good healthcare, including mental health care.

We know that compassion, connection and choice are vital when we need help.

Sadly however, our highly medicalised, one-size-fits-all approach isn’t working.

Overprescribing of medication and blaming of individuals isn’t helpful.

There’s also little or no accountability for when serious harm is caused.

There’s not enough focus on things that can and do help.

Like the support provided within our own communities, despite lack of resources.

We believe it’s time to have an open conversation about mental health.

We all have ideas that come from our own experiences and our hard-won wisdom.

We are creating spaces for us to share this wisdom and these ideas.

We know there is something better.

Together we are writing a New Script for Mental Health.

We would love you to join the conversation.

Everybody is welcome.

We can do this!

Now write your own script for mental health

  1. Imagine you go to the GP to pick up a prescription for mental health. To your surprise, this new script is blank. You decide to write your own New Script.
  2. Think about what would really address the causes of emotional pain and distress and help with healing.
  3. Click here to see some examples of New Scripts for Mental Health.
  4. Write your New Script. There is no ‘right’ answer. You know best what would work.
  5. Your script can contain anything from one word to 60 words maximum, but you can submit as many as you like.
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Get involved in the New Script campaign

There are plenty of ways to take part in the New Script campaign and it's completely up to you how much time you'd like to put in.

  • Share your own New Script for mental health (see above)
  • New Script taster workshops (therapeutic activism, calligrapy, art, poetry, prose)
  • Summer solstice gathering on the 21st of June

Contact organiser Sara Boyce for details. If you're interested in making a financial donation to the New Script campaign, click the button below.